
    Library Infrastructure

    Kendriya Vidyalaya Chikodi Library has a wide collection of about 1600 well-selected books in almost all subjects ranging from English/Hindi, Fiction, Non-fiction, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc. The Vidyalaya Library subscribes to leading newspapers and educational magazines. Book exhibitions, Book fairs, and competitions related to reading and creative writing are organized frequently to encourage supplementary reading. The Library provides a welcoming learning environment for students and staff; supports the school’s aims and curriculum; encourages the love of reading and the development of students’ independent learning skills.The library is open every school day from 8:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Students can borrow 03 books for a period of 02 weeks and staff may borrow 05 books for a period of 01 month. The users should submit their ID cards for the automated circulation of books. The stock and services of the library have been automated with an Integrated Library management software “e-Granthalaya 4.0”. WEB OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) of library holdings is available. Patrons can search for the availability of books by using keywords, author, title, and subject for availability.

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